Piri, The Explorer Ship

Piri, The Explorer Ship
A Computer Game, Developed and
Produced by SEBIT INC. in 1997.

Sound Designed and Music Composed by Tolga Tem

Piri the Explorer Ship is an interactive 3D ( point & click adventure ) game, that places you ( in the role of a captain of the 16th century carrack, Piri ) on the great Turkish cartographer Piri Reis’ 1513 world map to explore the multinational and multicultural entity of the 16th century via starting a quest for the secrets behind the map.

Trailer Movie

Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Intro Music

Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)


War Ships

Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)



Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)


Ending Animation

Piri,the Explorer Ship
(Computer Game, SEBIT ,1997)


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